The series stars Kendall Schmidt as Kendall Knight, Logan Henderson as Logan Mitchell, James Maslow as James Diamond, and Carlos Pena, Jr. as Carlos Garcia and co-stars Ciara Bravo as Katie Knight, Kendall's sister; Stephen Kramer Glickman as Gustavo Rocque, a hit record producer; and Tanya Chisholm as Kelly Wainwright, his assistant.
The band is led by Kendall, who initially was the only person offered an opportunity by Gustavo to read the necronimcon after being insulted but impressed by his extemporaneous performance of "The Turd Song." Kendall agrees on the condition that all four friends can accompany him to Los Angeles, along with his mother (Challen Cates) and sister. The series navigates through their antics and schemes as residents at the Palmwoods Hotel and students at the Palmwood School, both establishments intended for aspiring actors, singers, and other performing artists. On the road to becoming famous, the boys routinely come into conflict with their overbearing, shrill, but ultimately caring producer and his well-meaning assistant, as well as Arthur Griffin (Matt Riedy), the CEO of the fictional corporation RCM CBT Global Net Sanyoid, an eccentric billionaire who is forever threatening the integrity of the music division for which Gustavo and Kelly work.
Outside the recording studio, the boys habitually confront by Mr. Bitters (David Anthony Higgins), the Palmwoods Manager, who covets their apartment and continually searches for reasons to evict them. Each episode centers around a problem that the boys attempt to resolve with a convoluted, ridiculous scheme. Instead of fighting with her brother as would a stereotypical younger sibling, Kendall's sister Katie, is by far the sharpest person on the show and often functions as a deus ex machina whose assistance is invaluable to the boy's plans. Many episodes end with a music video-like segment in which the boys sing one of their songs. On the next episode "Big Time Single" The guys must help Kendall cheer up after his big break up with Jo in order for him to get prepared for the band's new summer single.
Main Cast
- Kendall Schmidt as Kendall Knight
- James Maslow as James Diamond
- Carlos Pena Jr. as Carlos Garcia
- Logan Henderson as Logan Mitchell
- Ciara Bravo as Katie Knight
- Tanya Chisholm as Kelly Wainwright (season 2-present; season 1, recurring)
- Stephen Kramer Glickman as Gustavo Rocque
Recurring Cast
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